How Much Does Thai Massage Costs in Australia?Here's What You Need to Know
January 5, 2023
With Thai massage gaining popularity year after year, many individuals wonder if they should try it out for themselves. But many people are still determining what to anticipate from a Thai massage because it differs from the European and sports massage traditions they are probably more accustomed to. Here are some things to expect if you get your first Thai massage.
What is Thai Massage?
In contrast to most other massages, a Thai massage does not involve skin-to-skin contact and does not use oil. You won't need to undress for your massage; you'll stay fully covered and need to get on your back and lie down. Similar to a Swedish massage, there will be some rolling of knots and kneading of muscles. On the other hand, Thai massage incorporates stretching akin to yoga, which is why it's sometimes called yoga for slackers. While you remain still, the massage therapist will set up the postures. Following that, they will push and pull-on various limbs to stretch and release muscles. At certain moments during the massage, the therapist may pull, push, knead, or even walk on you.
It's vital to think about what to dress for the massage as you'll be wearing clothing during the session. Choose comfortable, roomy clothing that doesn't impede your movement. Yoga clothes or other flexible clothing are ideal for massage.
What Should You Wear During a Thai Massage?
Thai massage is performed thoroughly clothed without the use of any oil. You should wear comfortable, loose clothing that doesn't restrict your movement because your therapist will move you into various yoga-like poses and stretches. You would put on the best attire for a yoga or workout class.
What Principle Underlies the Treatment?
Thai massage originates in Ayurvedic medicine, like many other Eastern massage modalities. Based on this therapy, the concept of energy flowing through the body and how you are in perfect health when it does so freely and abundantly. The flow of energy, or in the case of Thai massage, wind, is restricted when the Sen (energy) lines are blocked.
Thai massage helps to clear obstructions and re-establish wind movement along these Sen lines. It is primarily a method of enhancing energy flow and regaining health, and it gives you an excellent massage that keeps your body stretched, relaxed, and energised.
What Does the Treatment Involve?
The procedure is usually carried out on a typical massage couch. Because Thai massage is holistic, it is always a full-body therapy. The therapist typically starts with your feet as you lay on your back at the beginning of the session. The therapist applies pressure to the patient's body along the Sen lines with her hands, thumbs, forearms, and knees. Even though some pressure points will be profound, they shouldn't hurt.
Your Thai massage therapist will also use stretches from yoga. If you lack much flexibility, don't panic; your therapist will only push the stretches as far as your muscles and joints allow.
Instead of using the western method of working on one leg at a time, you will likely observe the therapist moving back and forth to other places.
How Will the Treatment Affect How I Feel?
Western-style oil massage techniques are considerably different from Thai massage, frequently leaving you feeling quite different. Thai massage is a fantastic alternative if you have things to do after your treatment. It involves a lot of movement and stretching and tends to leave you feeling energetic rather than exhausted.
Reasons Why You Can't Have Thai Massage
Because of the extensive stretching and moving that takes place during a Thai massage and the deep pressure points, it is not advised if you have any of the following:
- Severe arthritis: Stretches may be difficult and risky if you have severe arthritis or painful, inflamed joints.
- Thrombosis: Due to the possibility of a blood clot spreading to the heart or brain, you must avoid massage while you have one.
- Severe varicose veins: Because Thai massage is performed while wearing clothing, it can be complicated to prevent pressure on the veins, which could lead to vein rupture or the dislodging of an unidentified blood clot.
- Joint dislocations that occur frequently: During your visit, we'll discuss ways to avoid the troublesome area.
- Poor flexibility: Extremely tight joints may prevent you from benefiting the most from this treatment because of many of the motions and procedures involved.
What are the Benefits of Thai Massage?
The advantages of obtaining a Thai massage include looser muscles, better flexibility, and decreased tension, thanks to all the yoga-like stretches carried out by a Thai massage therapist. Increased energy is something that people are less likely to anticipate from a Thai massage, and we've been trained to associate massage with unwinding activities. Although kneading and stretching muscles relaxes them, the fundamental objective of a Thai massage therapist is to free up the flow of energy throughout your body. It is because Ayurvedic medicinal methods influence Thai massage.
A Thai massage promotes superior overall health and a rejuvenated, ready-to-go sensation by clearing your channels and promoting unrestricted flow via your circulatory, lymphatic, and neurological systems.
How Much Does Thai Massage Costs in Australia?
So, how much do massages cost in Australia? In Australia, a massage session costs between $55 and $100 on average.
Depending on the type of therapy used, sessions last anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.
Of course, the type of massage will significantly impact how much it costs. For instance, a one-hour deep-tissue full-body massage will usually last longer than a 30-minute foot massage. It all depends on where in Australia you are and which spa you go to.
Australia-wide average massage rates:
- Australia Capital: $120
- South Australia: $70 to $300
- Sunshine State: $40 to $100
- Australia's South: $85
- Victoria: $40 to $300
- Western Australia: $65 to $95
Remember that these are only averages and should not be treated as absolutes. You will undoubtedly locate a reliable and high-quality massage service in your neighbourhood if you shop a lot.
Experience Thai Massage with Royal Paradise
Now, to answer your question, "what is Thai massage" in the most convincing way, it is a distinct and wholly independent type of massage therapy. It is terrific for athletes since it increases flexibility and stretches out the muscles. It will make you feel wonderfully calm while also energising you, allowing you to move on with the rest of your day and do other things. Try a new kind of massage and experience the benefits and the Asian-style massage you've never had before with Royal Paradise Thai Massage!