5 Common Thai Massage Benefits and Side Effects to Expect
December 19, 2022
Many individuals think that Thai massage has health advantages like reducing stress, increasing vitality, and enhancing sports performance.
Thai massage administers light pressure and stretching techniques which helps the entire body to be relaxed. This is a time-honoured method of healing that was developed in India between 2,500 and 7,000 years ago.
Thai massage practitioners employ a very different method than what individuals in the West may be accustomed to. Instead of passively having a Swedish or shiatsu massage while laying on a bed, the client actively participates in the massage while lying on the floor.
When compared to how Westerners are used to receiving massage, Thai massage practitioners adopt a completely different method.
This article will examine the many Thai massage benefits, how it might aid athletes, and some potentially negative consequences.
Common Benefits of Thai massage
Thai massage provides a number of health benefits, including alleviating tension in the muscles and lowering stress. Even more energy might be provided by it.
Here are the five health benefits of Thai massage.
1. Reduces stress
Stress is not always a bad thing. Stress frequently acts as a strong motivator, pushing people to push themselves further and accomplish more in both their personal and professional life.
However, too much stress can be detrimental to one's physical and mental health. Major illnesses including depression and heart disease have been related to prolonged or chronic stress.
Thai massage soothes the body by stretching and using mild pressure. The researchers came to the conclusion that Thai massage is more efficient than simple rest at reducing stress in healthy individuals.
2. Increases energy
It has been shown that Thai massage increases people's physical energy levels. The benefits of Thai and Swedish massages on fatigued people were examined in randomised studies. The research revealed that Swedish massage was more likely to improve sleep and relaxation while Thai massage improved energy and mental stimulation.
Most practitioners of Thai massage believe that there are multiple Sen, or channels, of energy within the body. The Thai massage technique is founded on the idea of energy lines or Sen.
Sen is a symbol for various bodily functions, including the blood, nerves, muscles, and bones. Some Sen have an effect on consciousness and the mind. These are what we call subtle channels.
According to the belief, stiffness, discomfort, and sickness are brought on by blockages inside various Sens, resulting in tense muscles. In order to balance the passage of life force, Thai massage uses a range of techniques that either open or tighten specific Sen.
3. Soothes headaches
The court-type method of Thai massage presses on specific energy channels.
People with severe tension headaches can benefit from Thai massage in a court setting. Additionally, the tissue hardness that the researchers measured with a portable device revealed that they had lower amounts of Sen.
4. Stimulates blood flow
Thai massage can promote the circulation of both blood and lymph by using gentle stretches. These yoga-like stretches encourage blood flow, which increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the body's tissues. This promotes cell development and heart health.
Peripheral neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes, is relieved by Thai foot massage. The results of the study showed that this massage improved subjects' equilibrium.
They assert that this is because the blood flow increased, which in turn stimulated the somatosensory system. This system is essential for preserving equilibrium.
5. Expands your range of motion
Stretches akin to those in yoga are incorporated into Thai massage to improve circulation and lower stress. Over time, the slow, gradual stretching will increase the person's flexibility, enabling a wider range of motion.
Thai massage may also promote synovial fluid flow, which reduces friction between the fluid in the joints and the joints themselves. The range of motion and joint mobility may increase as a result.
How often should you get Thai massages?
A Thai massage may make someone feel incredibly relaxed. However, they must keep in mind that their muscles have already been strained, pushed, and worked. After obtaining a Thai massage, one should unwind and drink some water.
There are no guidelines for how often a person should get a Thai massage. People should make an effort to incorporate regular maintenance routines that include stretching and calming activities. Because of this, they will continue to remain adaptable for a while after their massage.
People ought to pay attention to their bodies before they start reaping the many Thai massage benefits. If a person experiences consistent pain or discomfort in one area of their body, they should see a doctor because this could be an indication of an underlying medical condition.
Common Side Effects of Thai massage
Although reports of insignificant adverse treatment reactions are typical, more severe and/or uncommon problems can also manifest. These are just a few of the many hazards associated with receiving deep tissue massage.
Chronic pain
Some clients have experienced pain during and/or after their therapy session as a result of the deep tissue massage's pressurised techniques.
Despite its worrisome appearance, this symptom is really quite typical simply because of the way massage treatments are conducted. Movement of the muscles stimulates the body, which frequently results in discomfort.
Consult your therapist or primary care physician for additional guidance if the pain you are experiencing persists for more than a few days.
Painful muscles or fatigue
Since a massage penetrates the topmost levels of muscle, it makes sense that your muscles will feel sore afterwards. After that, muscles will feel relaxed, which could lead to weariness or discomfort.
Again, any pain or discomfort felt following your appointment should only last a few days.
Headaches or migraines
Although a headache following a deep tissue massage is less often than the other side effects, it's still normally nothing to worry about.
Your head may have been awkwardly positioned during the massage; another discomfort in the pressurised areas may have caused your headache; or your neck or upper back may have been massaged. A headache might be caused by the muscles close to your head releasing tension or pressure.
Tiredness or drowsiness
As a result of relieving tension, feeling fatigued or groggy can be a factor after your deep tissue massage.
Physical, mental, or both types of stress can be lessened by releasing physical tension; however, these effects shouldn't last more than one restful night after your session.
Constant stimulation during treatment may cause inflammation. Otherwise, it can be the result of an old injury, a subpar therapist, or too much pressure during therapy.
Inflammation, like other side effects, should be gone within a few days, although applying ice packs to the inflamed area or taking a modest dose of pain medicines could assist in alleviating your situation.
A rash or heat (skin)
It's very ordinary to have redness or heat, and most of the time it's not dangerous.
Since the purpose of this type of massage is to exert pressure, the results of the rubbing may have such effects. Additionally, experiencing heat can be a sign that your muscles are responding well to treatment and starting to recover themselves.
Although not a typical reaction, nausea might occasionally happen after treatment as a result of your body releasing toxins.
Such a discharge is common, and drinking water to wash away pollutants and sleeping longer should take care of any remaining problems.
Bruising shouldn't be a concern if you're receiving treatment from qualified doctors. Before beginning more sessions, be open and honest with your massage therapist about any existing health issues (or even just your tendency to bruise easily).
Seek medical attention if the bruise worsens or persists for more than a few days.
Adding injury to an older injury
It is essential to disclose past injuries to your massage therapist in order to prevent these negative effects. And if you're dealing with a pro, irritations shouldn't even happen.
Communication with your therapist is essential since deep tissue massages and the pressure associated with them might reopen existing scars. It's crucial, if only to prevent oneself from getting hurt again or inflicting new damage.
Thai massage is still a relatively new practice in Western culture despite its ancient origins. According to recent studies, Thai massage provides a variety of positive health effects, including increased circulation, increased range of motion, and lowered stress levels.
While everybody of any age can have a Thai massage, not everyone is a good candidate. Thai massages should not be received by persons who have specific medical conditions, such as cancer or cardiovascular disease, are pregnant, or have recently had surgery, as the practice may be harmful to their health.
People who are thinking about obtaining a Thai massage but are worried that their medical history would preclude them from doing so should speak with their doctor first.
We hope you learned a thing or two about Thai massage benefits. Book an appointment with Royal Paradise Thai Massage & Spa and experience deep relaxation.